It's puppies' spa day! Go grab all the puppies and bring them to the pet salon <33

*Note: Avoid the corpse flowers on the way or you lose.

- The development process overall

This is my second version of Assignment1. In the first version, I used free assets. I created my own assets in this version. It's a stressful making process but I'm glad I made it.

- Successes (What went right)

The collision function

The tile map grid

Scene switching

Keyboard input

Know how to draw pixel pic in Photoshop

- Failures (What went wrong)

The score counting UI: when the player get key after dog,  the key score ui will replace the dog score ui text

The player can enter the door without the key: I think it's the problem of the code

- Lessons Learned (What did you learn from your failures or how did you overcome them)

First, I learned how to make pixel painting in the Photoshop then import it into Unity, including fitting the block into the tile map.

Second, I finally figured out how collision works in Unity2D. I been stuck at one bug for a while which is the scene doesn't change when the player reaches the door. It could be a lot reasons: collision range, coding, scene doesn't include in the scene management, etc.)

Besides, I get more familiar with the UI system. I used to be annoyed by the canvas default size all the time since it's too large. Also how the button function works.

- Future Development (If you were to continue working on this game how would you improve it)

Sound System

Animation of corpse flowers (make them moving in pingpong)

more level more fun

Generate trap in random position 


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